How to Make jira show when subtask marked done

How to Make jira show when subtask marked done

How to Make jira show when subtask marked done

How to configure Jira such that it displays the data of when a sub-task is marked done. About working with the projects in Jira it is better to know that sometimes managing a project may be difficult if you have a lot of sub-tasks to complete a certain task. This is because knowledge of the status of all the sub-tasks is instrumental in keeping the project moving forward and keeping the project team on their toes. Another question that can concern numerous Jira users – how to make it evident in Jira that a specific subtask has been done.

In this article, we’ll look at how sub-tasks work in JIRA and how you can manage and track the status of them and a few tricks that we prefer to use so that you can make sure that you never miss any completed sub-tasks.

On the knowledge level, on must get a clear understanding of what subtasks in Jira are. People have found that there are significant benefits to partitioning work into smaller chunks, and that subtasks are an effective means of doing this. Jira associates every subtask with a parent issue, and the Status of the subtask doesn’t affect the Status of the parent issue. Nevertheless, it is crucial to register subtasks on their own for at least one of the reasons: they are a detailed plan of the parent task in most cases.

How It Shows The Status of Subtask in Jira Jira

exhibits subtasks right under the parent issue on the issue’s page. Each subtask includes fields such as:

Summary: A short explanation of the subtask.

Status: Shows the current status (for instance, to do, in progress or done).

Assignee: The member of the team that is expected to perform the particular subtask. When you check a particular subtask and mark it as “Done” the status will change and this is only seen when you type the parent issue or even the subtask list.

Increasing the Perceived Visibility of Subtask Completion If you’re struggling to track completed subtasks, here are some strategies to enhance visibility:

Use a Workflow Automation

Sub-task Auto-Complete in JIRA; create an Automation rule that when a sub-task is marked as “Done”, it informs the assignee or the team members.

For example:

Summary: A description of the subtask that should not take more than one paragraph.

Status: Shows the current status (To Do, In Progress, Done). Assignee: The commission is also assigned to the team member who is carrying out a particular subtask. When a subtask is marked as “Done”, the status changes but this appears only in real time if one checks the parent issue or the subtask.

Making Completion of Subtasks More Obtrusive

If you’re struggling to track completed subtasks, here are some strategies to enhance visibility:

1. Use a Workflow Automation Create a Jira workflow that alerts the assignee to any subtask that has been completed or inform members of the team.

For example:

Select Project Settings on the menu,

then under User Interface select Automation. Create a rule: Time: WHEN = Issue Transitioned >

Criteria: IF Issue Type = SUBTASK THEN SEND Notification or Comment. This makes sure team members get a notification of the change, at once.

2. To have color indications or icons friendly for LOS users, the LOS must be enabled.

It is possible to configure your Jira board regarding look and Feel so that a “Done” status has the particular color or the icon of your choice.

This is particularly useful in Kanban or Scrum boards which are popular when managing project progress.

3. Here, under Parent Issue Progress Tracking,

the current progress of the parent issue will be described, and this progress will be in accordance with the percentage ratings given to each subissue.

Based on the parent issue’s field, progress, the system should be able to consolidate the subtask status.

For example:

When making use of Custom Fields, show as a percentage amount of times that sub-tasks are done. Include progress bars which give a relative amount of “Done” subtasks.

4. Use Filters and Dashboards Currently, using filters in Jira, one can use queries that show completed sub-tasks. For instance, use

JQL (Jira Query Language):

issetype = sub-task AND status = done

You should also show this filter on your dashboard so that it’s easy to see everything that has been completed at the subtask level.

5. Format Release for Parent Issues

To automatically update the parent issue’s status when all its subtasks are marked “Done”:

Create an automation rule: When: Subtask status changed to done >

Condition: all subtasks > action: update the parent status.


Monitoring progress is critical especially at the subtask level and Jira has several options to prevent tasks or subtasks completed from fading into obscurity. With the help of automation, properly configuring warning signs, and developing the transforming dashboards, you can enhance the work process and cooperated with your team. Using these tips, you will always know how your project is doing – subtask by subtask.


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