"Clash of Titans: Goku vs. Jiren – The Ultimate Showdown of Power"

“Clash of Titans: Goku vs. Jiren – The Ultimate Showdown of Power”

“Clash of Titans: Goku vs. Jiren – The Ultimate Showdown of Power”

Label is one of the easiest filters that you can use in Jira to work with issues; there are three possible ways to classify issues by label. The labels in Jira are one of the most important elements used when working with issues that have to be sorted and arranged. They let teams label issues with keywords to make them easier to search, sort and filter the work. To clarify our topic, in this article, we will explain what it’s possible to classify by the label in Jira, why it is useful, and how to do it with proper advice.

What Are Labels in Jira?

Labels as a field are also modifiable, personal labels, that can be assigned to Jira issues. Hence the difference to other fields of priorities or statuses- labels are very free and can be adapted to each and every team. It makes them suitable for further categorisation since it can take a shorter time when comparing it with other methods.

Advantages of Classifying Issues by Label

Enhanced Searchability: Labels are helpful because, using Jira’s advanced search or the JQL language, one can search for certain problems very easily. Custom Categorization: On this score, they allow teams to categorize issues in manners that basic fields might not allow like categorization by the feature, release or department. Streamlined Workflows: Labeling issues makes the work easy to be managed since team can arrange the issues in a way that is more convenient to them. Cross-Project Consistency: Tags can be created for various projects and this makes them useful where several projects are closely related. I found a guide on how to add labels and also how to use it in JIRA. Adding Labels:

Well, let me open the issue you want to classify first. Somewhere either on the top or on the right-hand side you should find the Labels field. Type the desired label(s) and Press enter on the keyboard. Classifying Issues by Labels:

Use Jira’s built-in search feature:

Type in the ‘Search for Issues’ page. In the little search box below, omit any text in the Labels field and just input the tag names you want to

search for.

For more complex queries, use JQL For more-complicated search operations, use JQL For more complex search requests in the Jira, the use JQL The following complex and real-life JQL queries are used to handle more complicated queries For more complicated searches in Jira, use JQL Advanced Requests For more complicated search request in the JIRA, use JQL More complicated JIRA search requests will use JQL For


labels = “bugfix”: Searches for all articles tagged as “bugfix”. labels IN (“bugfix”, “urgent”): Problems are identified with any of the stated labels. labels IS EMPTY: Which is synonymous with finding problems without a tag. Bulk Labeling:

Working with Labels: Recommendations

Establish Naming Conventions: Agree on a specific labeling conventions for the labels so produced like no spaces in the labeling or all capitals or only hyphen in the labeling so as not to end up with so many of the same labels or labels that are very difficult to decipher. Avoid Overuse: Be thoughtful and selective in your use of labels so you do not confuse your reader. Periodically Review Labels: Regarding labels, managers should apply its consistent audit and clean up to ensure that there is no redundancy and labeling becomes systematic. Leverage Automation: Set up the Jira automation rules to add labels to the issues automatically based on the criterion such as issue types, or projects or assignees, etc.


Organising issues by labels in Jira is another effective way of managing issue, the workflow and the entire team. Through this feature and adherence to best practice, even if different teams are large and varied in membership, productivity can be increased and nothing can be lost in the system. For one project, or a set of projects, labels are a straightforward way to add structure to any Jira instance.


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