sql to find awr closest to timestamp of issue github

sql to find awr closest to timestamp of issue github

If you aim at querying finding the nearest AWR snapshot that may be near the time an issue is reported on GitHub for further analysis, then you will require a table structure comprising of AWR data with its time stamp. Let’s assume you have a table awr_snapshots with the following structure: snapshot_id (It represents the identification of particular snapshot.) snapshot time (time taken for the AWR snapshort) Some of them are database_name, instance_name and so on. Now, if you want to find the snapshot closest to a specific timestamp,

here’s an example SQL query that could work for you:

SELECT snapshot_id, timestamp
FROM awr_snapshots
ORDER BY ABS(timestamp – TO_TIMESTAMP(:github_issue_timestamp, ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’))

What Is Functions

Key Characteristics of Functions:

1. Encapsulation of Logic: Functions define an action or behavior – this is a good thing because it makes the code easier to read.
Input (Parameters): Functions can accept inputs from the environment so as to provide a different output depending on enviromental circumstance.
2. Output (Return Value): Functions end with a return statement and more to the point, a function can have a value after completing the function, although not all functions need to have a return statement.
3. Reusability: If a function is defined, it can be used many times throughout a program without rewriting the code improving maintenance.
4. Abstraction: Functions obscure the operation of a task so the user doesn’t have to know how the task was accomplished they just know that it was.

Basic Syntax:

The exact way of defining a function is more specific for a certain language of programming. Here’s an example in a few different languages:

1. Python Function:

def add(a, b):
return a + b

def: Keyword to define a function. add(a, b): The function defined is called add , and has two arguments as a and b. return a + b: The function calculates addition between two numbers and output the results.

2. JavaScript Function

function add(a, b) {
return a + b;

It is also very much like Python, but in JavaScript they use the functions keyword to define a function.

3. SQL Function:

Functions are used as operations on the data stored in the database in the contexts of SQL.

For example:

CREATE FUNCTION add_numbers(a INT, b INT)
RETURN a + b;

The defined SQL function add_numbers, accepts two parameters a and b which are integer values, and the result of this function is the sum of the parameters.


github_issue_timestamp is a placeholder of the time stamp of the issue raised in GitHub. This should be replaced with the real time when the GitHub issue was filed. ABS(timestamp – TO_TIMESTAMP(:((to_char(V.gh_issue_timestamp, ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’) – to_char(snapshot_time, ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’)) returns the time difference between the timestamps of the AWR snapshots as compared to the date of the GitHub issue. The arrows in the above predicate list show that the difference is ordered in an ascending manner by the ORDER BY clause itself.

FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY restricts it to a single nearest AWR snapshot. Ensure that the format used in defining your timestamp column in your query corresponds to that of the timestamp format in your database. Use the TO_TIMESTAMP format string if the TO_CHAR function is required to be used to adjust the format string.


Function is a basic component of program that is used for making the code reusable, modular and manageable. Since they result in the naming of discrete logic blocks, functions dramatically reduce the amount of repetitive code, complicate complicated operations, and improve the legibilit


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